Transits in astrology represent where the planets are currently in the sky from the view of Earth. Transits impact us all, but they impact us all differently. This is why you should not fall victim to those who fear-monger transits. What they say is just one interpretation, and that particular transit may not even affect you that much. Transits are how the planets, as they are in the sky currently, interact with the natal chart.

Transits are like the weather. We are all affected by it. But depending on where you live, it may impact you differently than another person. For example, a person who lives further north is likely to face more cold weather than someone who lives down south. But how does this relate back to astrology?

Let’s say there is a transit Mars in Capricorn. It would affect everyone differently, depending on their Capricorn sign and house placement, and any natal planets there/making aspect to the sign. For example, if someone had their natal Mars in Cancer, the transit Mars would be making an opposition to the natal one. This would suggest a time where the person doesn’t know where to direct their energy, feels at odds with their path, or feels burnt out or exhausted, just name a few things. Now if someone had their natal Mars in Capricorn, and transit Mars eventually made the conjunction, this person may feel invigorated, full of passion, and energized in terms of decision making. It may feel like a renewal of energy.

Now let’s talk houses. For example, a person who has Capricorn in the fifth house might experience a Mars transit differently than someone who has Capricorn in the ninth. Their energy would be directed in different places, thus we return back to the “weather effects you differently in different places” concept. Their natal Mars’s are in different places, and are therefore directed at different areas of their lives. So one person’s Mars opposite Mars may be completely different from another’s- not only because of their different natal charts, but also because of sign and house placement.

The same goes for the houses. If a transit planet is in aspect to a natal, it may impact you differently than one that doesn’t aspect your natal chart. That isn’t to say it doesn’t effect you, it still does, but it would effect that particular house, or area of your life, more than anything. With transit planets it is important to take into consideration aspects to the natal, as well as the houses.

Let’s say Saturn transit the seventh house may be something you fear for a long time, but by the time it happens, you are ready to settle down (Saturn energy) and get committed (again, Saturn energy) to a relationship (Seventh house). Transits are what you make of them.

I recommend beginners track the Moon’s cycle before diving headfirst into trying to understand transits, for a few reasons, but mostly because:

  • It will help you understand the signs as the moon transits the chart.
  • It will help you understand your own chart.
  • It will help you understand aspects to the natal chart and houses better.
  • You will come to grasp how a transit planet can affect you even if it is not making aspect to the natal chart.

By grasping the transit of the Moon every month, you can also come to understand something very important: why it is important to wait a transit out with curiosity, instead of expecting certain things to happen. Setting a goal or intention for a transit is a way to make sure the transit does not take hold of you, and neither does your fear. When you don’t get caught up in the idea of what will happen, you allow room for surprises. And what’s life without a little fun and surprise?

I hope this helped you get a grasp on transits. Retrograde transits (and natal planets) are something different, to be covered at a later date. Thank you for reading. Please comment if there is anything you’d like me to cover, or something you’d be interested in learning, down below. Have a nice day!